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PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办
2019年05月22日    阅读量:43927     新闻来源:PPG亚太区    |  投稿

PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办 中网信息


Volunteers paint the sports field at the Primary School in Jakarta.

PPG在印度尼西亚雅加达举办了“多彩社区”活动,为Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Jati(小学)带来了活力。该项目召集了30多名PPG志愿者,他们花了四天时间为该公立美化了围墙和多功能运动场涂料在线coatingol.com。该学校有150名学生、35名教师和10名工作人员。这也是PPG在印度尼西亚完成的第一个“多彩社区”项目。

PPG completed of a COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® project in Jakarta, Indonesia, that helped revitalize the Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Jati (Primary School). The project brought together more than 30 PPG volunteers, who spent four days beautifying the fencing and multifunction sports field for the public school’s 150 students, 35 teachers and 10 staff members. This was the first Colorful Communities project completed in Indonesia.

PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办 中网信息


Volunteers paint the school’s fence.

PPG提供了超过50升(13加仑)的SIGMAÔ 涂料产品和3,450美元(折合为5千万印尼盾)的资金来支持该项目。PPG还为学生们捐赠了篮球、足球、排球、羽毛球等运动器材。

PPG provided more than 50 liters (13 gallons) of SIGMAÔ paint products and $3,450 (50 million IDR) to support the project. PPG also donated equipment for the students to play basketball, futsal, volleyball, badminton and other sports.

PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办 中网信息


Volunteers paint the sports field.

“多彩社区”项目通过员工志愿服务,产品捐赠与资金支持,为世界各地的PPG所在社区带来色彩和活力。而在本次活动的举办地雅加达, PPG拥有一家工业防护及船舶涂料工厂。

The Colorful Communities program provides PPG volunteers and products along with financial contributions to bring color and vitality to communities where the company operates around the world, such as in Jakarta, where PPG has a protective and marine coatings facility. 

PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办 中网信息


Sonhaji, Plant Manager Jakarta (right) presents the PPG Colorful Communities trophy to Mrs. Kodariyah (left) after project completed.

“感谢PPG和PPG基金会,他们为我们美化了运动场地并捐赠了急需的运动器材,这将很好地改善学生们的学习体验”,Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Jati小学校长Kodariyah女士如是说道。

“We thank PPG and the PPG Foundation for enhancing our students’ learning experience by revitalizing our sports field and donating much-needed sports equipment,” said Mrs. Kodariyah, principle, Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Jati Primary School.

PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办 中网信息

来自雅加达的PPG志愿者与Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Jati(小学)的教师一起为“多彩社区”项目加油。

PPG volunteers from Jakarta cheer for the Colorful Communities project with the faculty of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Jati (Primary School).


Volunteers painted the school’s fence with black and the sports field in a green and white color palette. These colors were chosen to create a bold and bright space for students participating in sporting activities.

PPG “多彩社区”活动在印尼雅加达小学成功举办 中网信息


Students convene on the painted playground.

PPG印尼地区经理Anurag Sahai表示,“PPG很高兴能为当地学生营造富有吸引力和启发性的教育环境,帮助他们充分体验教育。”“我们希望同学们在锻炼身心的同时,也能喜爱这片充满活力的运动场地。”

“PPG is pleased to help these local students experience all facets of education in an environment that is inviting and inspiring,” said Anurag Sahai, PPG country manager, Indonesia. “We hope the students enjoy their revitalized sports field as they exercise their bodies as well as their minds.”

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